New Revenue Streams and Trust

_ Financial tooling and vocabulary can often be exclusionary, making it challenging to reward people for their creations. The solution lies in well-designed protocols. Let's explore Shuffle, a crypto-native protocol that enables users to earn new yield streams by creating and trading financial instruments. _

Introducing Shuffle: A Rewarding Protocol for Creators

Financial tooling and vocabulary can often be exclusionary, making it challenging to reward people for their creations. Shuffle offers a well-designed, crypto-native protocol that enables users to earn new yield streams by creating and trading financial instruments.

Understanding Covered Calls

A covered call is when the seller of the call option owns the underlying asset, while a naked call is when the seller does not own the underlying asset.

Shuffle's Inspiration

Shuffle draws inspiration from the 2008 financial crisis, Celsius' insolvency, Robinhood halting trading, and bad actors in the financial space.

Introducing Cove: The First Shuffle Product

Cove is the first product in the Shuffle protocol, allowing users to use collateral ETH to create two financial products and sell them on the open market while earning sustainable, on-chain yield.

Shuffle's On-Chain Yield

Shuffle encourages total value locked (TVL) through three main income streams:

  1. Aave, 1inch, Curve - Yield-bearing protocols for users' deposited funds (exploring liquid staking)
  2. Direct sale - Revenue from the creation and sale of the covered call
  3. Royalty revenue - A percentage of resale values for your created call option

Current Protocols and NFT Composability

Shuffle leverages the potential of programmable NFTs, making them ideal for representing specific financial positions, similar to Uniswap v3.

What Sets Shuffle Apart?

Shuffle incentivizes creators to produce financial products and rewards them for their efforts.

Traditional Finance vs. Shuffle

Shuffle introduces a trustless system by requiring users to lock the underlying collateral, opening up additional revenue streams.

Synopsis: Shuffle is a crypto-native protocol that enables users to earn new yield streams by creating and trading financial instruments, leveraging NFT composability and providing a trustless system for locking collateral.