The Base Case: L2 Giant


  • The symbiosis between Base and Coinbase will both attract fresh capital and feed the Coinbase ecosystem with the latest trends and applications ported from its native L2. This flywheel serves as a growth engine for the user base, L2, and the Coinbase exchange.
  • Culture and innovation rise from the lowest layer, the network of users on base - and whatever small pockets reach escape velocity will leverage the Coinbase exchange as a distribution mechanism.

Base: A Regulated Gateway

With the advent of Base, Coinbase has found the missing piece bridging the TradFi and Crypto world. Automatic redirection to Base places users in an efficient, cost-effective ecosystem even before they fully understand blockchain transaction mechanics and the possibilities of composable infrastructure. Additionally, the ecosystem is improving though EIP’s - most notoriously EIP-4844. The introduction of EIP-4844 ("blobs") has dramatically reduced L2 transaction costs, leading to a surge in user engagement and protocol innovation.

Two-Way Flow

Base stands out through its unique “two-way flow” mechanism, which facilitates a healthy balance of new entrants which are drawn in from Coinbase’s user-friendly interface and exchange, paired with the innovative and vibrant on-chain community developing on Base. The symbiosis between Base and Coinbase will both attract fresh capital and feed the Coinbase ecosystem with the latest trends and applications ported from its native L2. This flywheel serves as a growth engine for the user base, L2, and the Coinbase exchange.

Cultivating Innovation

Base’s ecosystem highlights a culture of rapid, decentralized innovation which will spawn communities and applications not possible on mainnet. (or platforms with high fees) We are already seeing the groundwork being laid by degen, a novel tipping mechanism scaled through Farcaster. Culture and innovation rise from the lowest layer, the network of users on base - and whatever small pockets reach escape velocity will leverage the Coinbase exchange as a distribution mechanism.

This culture of experimentation and spontaneity, challenging to access and understand for the average user, become available through Coinbase's simple UI. By making these innovations accessible, Coinbase can drive widespread adoption and shape the future of digital interactions.

Base x OP Stack

Navigating Compliance

Coinbase will likely take a tailored approach to compliance to navigate the uncertain regulatory landscape. I foresee Coinbase continuing to enforce strict KYC protocols at the exchange level, ensuring adherence to long standing financial regulations. This creates a secure, regulated entry point for users. Concurrently, Base serves as a sandbox for innovation, free from exchange-level KYC shackles. This dual approach not only protects users but also propels the ecosystem forward, encouraging new technologies and ideas.

Coinbase, therefore, serves as a bridge guiding users from a regulated and secure environment to the daunting, dynamic world of Base. This dual approach not only protects users but also propels the ecosystem forward, encouraging new technologies and ideas within a framework that remains connected to the regulated space of traditional finance. Higher.

All views are my own.